Create a Job Report
There are two types of job reports, and you must choose one report type before you can build the report:
- Summary – Displays total pages and costs, with the option to choose the fields to total the data.
- Full – Displays grouped details, and included subtotals of pages and costs. You must select at least one Detail column before you can build a Full report.
- Select Reporting from the ribbon.
- Click Job Reports.
- Click Create.
- In the Create Job Report screen, enter a unique name for the report, and then select the Report Type. Click Create to continue.
- From the General Settings section of the Edit Job Report screen, enter the following:
- Change the name entered in the Report name field if necessary.
- Enter a Description that will be appear on the report.
- Change the Report Type if you need to.
- Choose the Paper Type to determine the report page size. Choose from Letter, Legal, A3 or A4.
- From the Filters Section, click Edit. In the Update Filters screen, choose from the following to narrow down the report criteria:
- In the User/Group field, start typing a user or group name, or choose a name from the list. Only the first 25 users are listed (alphabetically).
- In the Printer/Group field, start typing a the name of a printer or printer group, or choose a name from the list. Only the first 25 printers are listed (alphabetically).
- From the Job Type list, choose from Any Job Type, Unknown, Print, Copy, Fax or Scan.
- From the Date Printed list, choose a date option or range.
- If you have defined any custom fields, drop down the Custom Fields option to view the custom fields and then select a custom value from each list.
- From the Detail Columns section, click Manage. You can use this option to add specific columns to the report. Click Add Column and then choose / enter an option from the Column, Header, and Sorting list. You must add at least one column before you can build the Full report. Ensure you click Save in this section to save the added columns.
This section does not appear if you chose a Summary report type.
- From the Total On section, choose one or more option that will be applied. You can add more than one option, and each time you save a selection, a new list is appended in this section. In addition, you can enable Subtotals for each selection.
- From the Total By section, choose one option that will be applied to calculate the report data totals. Options are None, Pages, B/W and Color, Square Feet, Square Meters. You can also enable Show job costs and Show job totals to include this data on the report.
- If you want to the report to run according to a schedule, refer to Schedule a Report.
- To run the report immediately, click Build.
The Progress screen displays as the report is built. You can click Close to close the screen and the report will continue to build. If you view the Running screen, you can track the progress of the report. From this screen, you can also stop the report build if necessary.
When the build is complete, you can find the report on either the Complete screen if the build was successful or the Incomplete screen if the build did not complete or was canceled.