Schedule a Report

To run a Report more than once on a set schedule, you can set it up to repeat the run on prescribed settings. The report will scheduled based on the server's local timezone.

  1. Click Create in the Schedules section.
    If you closed the Edit Report screen, simply click on the Report name in the Analysis Reports or the Job Reports screen to open the Edit screen.
  2. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the scheduled task that will generate this report.
  3. To generate an email notification after the task runs, enable Send Notification Email. The email will be sent to all addresses configured in Email Configuration and Email Logo.
  4. To run the task the next time the schedule settings are met, ensure the task is Enabled.
  5. On the Schedule tab, select the frequency from the Repeat list: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly or Yearly. Also select the accompanying time, day, or month based on your choice of repeat frequency.
  6. On the Delivery tab, choose the Delivery method. Options are Email, FTP Upload, Web Upload, or Network Folder.
  7. Depending on the Delivery method you chose, enter the accompanying information.
    1. Email: Type the email address that the message will be From (your own), and the email address the notification will be sent to. Also type a subject, and a message to include in the email.
    2. FTP Upload: Enter a filename for the report, and type the precise FTP URL where the report will be uploaded. In the Username and Password field, enter the FTP credentials that will be used to connect to the FTP site for upload. Enable the Append options if you want to append the date to the filename or to the URL. It's a good idea to append the date/time to ensure the filename is unique.
    3. Web Upload: Enter a filename for the report, and type the precise URL where the report will be uploaded. In the Username and Password field, enter the credentials that will be used to connect to the upload site. Also select an upload method: Post, Put or Patch. Enable the Append options if you want to append the date to the filename or to the URL.It's a good idea to append the date/time to ensure the filename is unique.
    4. Network Folder: Enter a filename, and then enter the full UNC path where the file will be placed. Enter the username and password credentials that will allow Workflow to add the file to this path. It's a good idea to append the date/time to ensure the filename is unique.
  8. Click Save to finalize the schedule.

The new schedule is listed in the Schedules section. To edit a schedule at any time, just click the schedule name link. You can add another schedule to run this same report with different schedule parameters (for example, you might need to email the report to a user, but also post the report to a network folder for tracking).

To delete a schedule, simply click Delete beside the schedule row in question.