Change General Secure Settings
Change these options to enable release codes, anonymous release, and job expiry values.
- Select Administration from the ribbon.
- Select Secure → Settings.
- In the General section, set the following options:
- Jobs expire in (days): If a print job sits in the secure queue without release after this set number of days, the job is deleted from the queue.
- Anonymous jobs expire in (minutes): If the guest user has not released the anonymous print job within this set number of minutes, the job is deleted from the queue.
- Max allowable jobs expire in (days): Print jobs that sit unreleased in the secure queue are deleted after this set number of days.
- In the Release Codes section, set the following options:
- Use release codes: Enable this option to force users to enter a release code at the MFP to release a secure print job. When enabling this option, also set the Code length below. See Configure Release Codes for further information.
- Anonymous release: Enable anonymous release to all guest users send their job to the printer’s anonymous email address where the job is held in a queue. Guests are provided with a common username and password by which they can log in to the MFP to release their job. Jobs are identified by their email address appended to the document name. When enabling this option, also set the Anonymous jobs expire in field.
- Code length: Set the length of the code (characters) when 'Use release codes' is enabled. This is the number of characters the user will enter to release a secure print job
- In the Secure Job Cleanup section, set the following options:
- Auto cleanup expired and completed jobs: When set to 'Yes', all jobs that are either expired or completed are removed.
- Start cleanup at: Indicates the time that the cleanup will begin (24 hour clock).
- Cleanup jobs after (days): Indicate the frequency (in days) that job cleanup will be performed.
- If Secure Printing is desired for remote users, see Remote Print Service