Manage Printers

As users print to various network devices, new devices are automatically detected and added to the Printers List. Printer matching is an important concept in Workflow because it prevents the addition of duplicate devices to the list. Each time a user submits a print job, the system compares the selected printer to those that exist in the database and determines if the printer is new or a duplicate.

For local devices, Workflowevaluates if a printer is unique based on a combination of Device name, port name, and host name. If the system determines that the printer is a direct IP printer, it will use the MAC address if known, and uses the IP address/host name combination if not known. Network printers are evaluated based on their UNC details.

Once a printer is in the system, you can do the following:

  • Organize Printers into Groups – Groups allow you to manage common device settings, create print rules for ate group, and establish costs and policies for printing to devices within the group.
  • Change the Printer Profile – Change the default Printer Profile that has been assigned to a device.
  • Merge Printers – If two printers are added to the database, but you know they are the same printer, you can merge the two printers into one.
  • Add a Printer – If you are adding local printers (USB connected), you can add the printer manually to the system if you want to tracking printing or set pricing data for reporting the printer's activity. In some cases, you may also want to manually add a network printer to apply the printer limitations or tracking option before users start printing to the device.
  • Custom Paper Sizes – If you have any paper sizes other than the defaults supplied, you can add the new size to the Custom Paper Size table and then apply the size within the Printer Profile.