Analysis Reports
There are two forms of Analysis Reports. Simple Reports and Composite Reports . You'll find detailed information about these reports below.
Simple Reports
Simple reports require a unique title and require only minimal selection such as the date range, sort selection or direction. You can also schedule Simple reports to run as per a set schedule. You can also limit a Simple report to a specific user or user group or printer group (if user groups and/or printer groups are defined). The table below describes all simple reports and provides an explanation of when to run the report. Click here for step by step instructions to create and build a Simple report.
Report Template | When to run this report | Report Option(s) |
Black and White Printing Breakdown | Provides detailed insight into the mono output jobs over a selected period of time. |
Color Printing Breakdown | Provides detailed insight into the color output over a selected period of time. |
Monthly Printer Volume Trend | Provides month-over-month trends to illustrate a change in printer volumes. This report may help to indicate whether a new Workflow print rule, or some other event, has impacted volumes. A print rule that forces duplex printing for instance, would hopefully show a reduction in page volumes on the devices that support duplex |
Monthly User Volume Trend | Provides month-over-month trends to illustrate a change in user volumes. |
Quarterly Printer Volume Trend | Provides quarterly print trend review information that is useful when reviewing printing solutions over time. |
Quarterly User Volume Trend | Provides quarterly user trend review information that is useful when reviewing printing solutions over time. |
Rule Statistics | Provide a more detailed insight into whether print rules are followed. This report will illustrate the print rule in place, and whether a print job was canceled as a result of the print rule, and includes the incurred costs. |
Secured Document Summary | Provides a snapshot of the impact that secure printing has had, by providing information on how many documents were secured vs released/cancelled, or expired. It will break down the number of pages printed vs the number of pages that were cancelled/expired. This helps to illustrate the printer volume that was spared by implementing a secure print workflow in the environment. |
Top Applications | Provides information on the applications from which the users are printing the most volume. The data is broken down in mono and color pages, and provides total job and cost info as well. Identifies which applications are most often printing to color, and can help administrators decide if printing restrictions based on application are necessary. |
Top Printer Cost and Volume | Run this report to identify printers which produce the most volume, or are the most costly. This will shed light on devices that may be overworked and help make decisions on whether more efficient devices are needed in certain areas of the organization. |
Top Printers by Jobs | Provides data about the most used printers based on jobs sent to each output device. |
Top Users by Cost and Volume | Identifies individual users that are generating the most print volume and most print cost. This will help identify users that might be abusing their printing privileges, or users who require more efficient printer access. |
Total Printing Breakdown | Summarizes the print breakdown of all BW and color jobs. |
User Volumes | Provides an overview of volume by user, and shows their total print volume by mono, color, jobs, and total costs. |
Composite Reports
Composite reports allow you to combine information from two or more Simple reports into a single report. You can include a table of contents, specify the output size, and set the date range. In addition, you can establish a schedule to re-run the report with the same parameters. Click here for step by step instructions to create and build a Composite report.