Manual Installation Instructions: Embedded for Ricoh SOP

Prepare Application Package

  1. Expand the compressed Ricoh Embedded to a folder on a PC.
  2. Navigate to the folder and open the file with the .DALP extension in Notepad, for editing.
  3. Locate the line containing <client-services-url></client-services-url>.
  4. Change the IP address to the IP address of the Printanista Workflow client services.
  5. Save the DALP file.
  6. Re-ZIP or compress all the files using any file name.

Install Application Package

  1. Log on to Web Image Monitor (WIM) with administrator credentials.
  2. Select Configuration from the Device Management tool bar.
  3. Select Install under Extended Feature Settings.
  4. Select the Local File radio button and then click the Choose File button.
  5. Navigate to the location on the local PC that contains the file named as above. Select this file and click the Open button.
  6. Click the Display Extended Features List button.
  7. Select Install to Device HDD from the Installation Target Setting drop down box.
  8. Select the radio button next to Ricoh Embedded under Extended Feature Name dialogue box.
  9. Click the Install button located above the Extended Feature Name dialogue box.
  10. Click OK on the Confirm page to begin the installation.
  11. If the installation is successful, you will see a blank Extended Feature List. Note: There is no indication of success or failure on this screen.
  12. Restart the Device