Pending Jobs

Pending jobs have not been accounted in Workflow due to required outstanding values from custom fields. You can search for specific jobs and commit them by selecting custom field values for selected jobs.

  1. From the Date Printed list, choose an option to search based on a time criteria, including Any time, Today, Yesterday, This  Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, This Quarter, Last Quarter, This Year, Last Year, or a Custom date range. If you choose Custom, you can select the YY-MM-DD to YY-MM-DD range in the fields that appear.
  2. Click Search to locate jobs that match your selected search criteria. Matches are listed in the Pending Jobs section at the bottom of the screen.
  3. From the list of Pending Jobs, select one or more jobs that you want to either delete or commit. To assign custom fields values to the selected jobs, click Commit or Commit All. In the Set Custom Values screen, choose a value for the custom values that apply to either the selected job or all jobs (if you selected Commit All). Click Save.