Default Roles and Policies

There are three predefined User roles, each with a predefined set of policies, but you can modify the defaults as needed and add other roles as needed. The predefined roles are Print Audit Accountant, Print Audit Administrator, and Print Audit Regular User.

To modify the default policies, simply click on the Role name to view the Editing options. Before you make changes to the defaults, you may choose to click Members to view a list of users who are currently bound by this User role.

The table below provides an overview of the policy settings for the default roles.

Policy Print Audit Regular User Print Audit Administrator

Print Audit Accountant

Can login and view own data Yes Yes Yes
Can add, edit and delete non-admin from the system No Yes No
Can add, edit and delete custom fields and values No Yes No
Can add, edit and delete reports No Yes Yes
Can view reports No Yes Yes
Can edit and view jobs for all users No Yes Yes
Can edit, release and delete secure jobs for all users No Yes No
User can fully manage and use all functionality No Yes No
At least one role within the system must have the 'Can edit and delete non-Admin users from the system' policy set to Yes.