Configure Card Authentication
If using swipe cards to authenticate at the MFPs, these settings allow you to select the appropriate format for the card type that is used within your organization.
In many cases, no extra configuration is needed. If the card is configured to present only the correct data, or if it is acceptable to pull raw data from the Card/Prox user field, these settings are optional only and are intended for post-processing only.
Refer to the Card Reader documentation if you are not sure of the correct card format to select.
- Select Administration from the ribbon.
- Select Settings → Network and Authentication.
- In the 'Card Authentication' section, set the following options.
- Card format: Choose the card format that matches the card types you use within your organization. Leave the option at "Read All" to ensure any card is readable. Options include Read all, Swipe ISO track1, Swipe ISO track 2, Swipe All track 1, Swipe All track 2, Custom.
- Test format: If you have a card reader connected to the computer, you can test a card swipe. Click in the field, swipe the card and then wait for the result.
- Results: This field updates to show the information that was read from the card.