Select Disconnected Job Options

When the Workflow Client application cannot communicate with the Workflow server, the Disconnected Jobs options determine how print jobs are handled.

  1. Select Administration from the ribbon.
  2. Select SettingsClient.
  3. In the Disconnected Jobs section, choose one of the following options:
    • Track normally: The jobs are tracked and stored on the local computer until communication with the server is re-established. All locally tracked job information is uploaded to the database, and if information is missing, the Client requests more information from the user.
    • Track Silently: The same behavior as Track Normally, but the user is never asked for further information. Job information is stored in the database as though 'Always show popup for secure jobs' was set to 'No'.

    • Ignore Jobs: Jobs that were printed in a disconnected state are not tracked.

    • Disallow jobs: The Client cancels the job, and displays a message to the user. The user must resubmit the job once communication with the server is reestablished.

    • Ignore Stale jobs: The same behavior as Track Normally, except that any jobs older than the specified number of days are ignored. In the Stale in (days) field, enter the number of days that will be applied to this settings.